Saturday, November 11, 2006

Some things

Woah! It's been a while. Mea culpa.

This year's been a whirl of activity (as usual, I suppose). Mostly, I've come to the realization that this is most likely my last year in Montreal. This means, naturally, that I must finally do all those things I've been meaning to do-- check out that activity night on Monday nights, visit the biodome, try out that restaurant I've been eyeing for the past two years.
It's great, only now I am falling even more in love with this city, and the thought of April makes my stomach tie into knots.

Right now, midterm season is wrapping up. What's really been keeping me occupied though are the medical school applications. Essay upon essay describing why I should be accepted, why I would make a good physician, and why I'm ever-so-wonderful. If it wasn't for my sister's constant nagging and inestimable editing help, I would have given up a long time ago. So, thank you 007!

I quit my lab job, which left me floundering for a while-- adjusting to 20 extra hours each week was hard. As of last year, I didn't have any hobbies, books to read, people to call just to kill time. There was simply no time... But now I'm grateful for the extra time to relax. I also volunteer at a local hospital, and have started being trained as a tutor for illeteracy. It's amazing!

I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to be doing with my life in the near future. Right now, the rough plan is to go to Guatemala a month this summer to work in a hospital there and learn spanish (my friends did this last year). Then, Heather and I are trying to figure out where to go travelling-- but seeing as how I no longer have a job, I'm having trouble seeing how that's going to happen. I was also offered a potential job at KAPLAN (the place where I took MCAT classes), so I could always re-live the horror there... but this time, get paid really well to do so. Hmmm.

As for next year... if I get rejected everywhere, I figure I can always bartend in Barcelona. It's an option, right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sounds cool!


2:23 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sounds cool!


2:23 p.m.  
Blogger Victoria said...

Yeah, gee, I wonder whereever I could have come up with such a crazy idea??

5:26 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bartending in Barcelona sounds great!

:o) But I have faith that rejection will not befall you.

5:27 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with Beaver: you'll be drowned in acceptances. You'll need help to decide which one to accept :)

5:57 p.m.  
Blogger 007 in Africa said...

Just remember to thank me at your acceptance speech. Or better yet, give me 10% of your future earnings...

2:31 p.m.  

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